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Submitted by: Lisa Ortega
Modern medical technology has brought a number of amazing medical miracles into the arena of everyday treatment. For a vast array of health concerns, there is an equally vast array of options. Many plastic surgeons exist for the sake of helping others to achieve the peace and health that is associated with feeling comfortable and confident in one s own skin.
For many, plastic surgery has become an increasingly important field, one which is life altering and perhaps even beyond words. There are a great number of patients who seek out the care and expertise of professional and experienced plastic surgeons who focus their life s work on improving the livelihood of their patients. There are a great many types of procedures which play into this even currently growing medical field. Various patients all over seek out alterations in their appearance in a number of different ways to achieve a common goal: to feel comfortable in their skin, to be at peace with their appearance and their self-image, and to stay as healthy as possible. The reasons of course may differ in their specifics from person to person, but plastic surgery is largely becoming a way to help people feel better, overall, in their own skin, with their own body and thus their own mind and heart. The connection to inner life with outward appearance is vast, and cannot be denied. Many patients merely seek the opportunity to align the two so that a greater degree of happiness and peace can ultimately be achieved.
It cannot be ignored as well that the field of plastic surgery involves situations where patients are not clear on what their motives are, what the purpose of having surgery performed is, and how it is bettering their life in some sort of substantial way. Having said this, it is the patient s personal responsibility to get crystal clear on what surgery will bring into their life, how it will positively alter their self image and their lifestyle, and how they are benefiting in a psychological way. Getting clear on the motives behind the surgery are very important. Furthermore, it is the patient s responsibility to understand any benefits as well as any risks. It is thus vital that patients ask plenty of questions, do research on the surgery in question, get a second opinion, and seek professional advice and care. It may also be good to seek out more than one plastic surgeon and to find one who is trustworthy, obviously confident in their field of expertise, and willing to help their patients toward a greater understanding of the procedure from beginning to end. These are all important questions to ask ourselves and important bits of information which ultimately lead to a far more satisfactory experience should surgery be decided upon.
Understanding how plastic surgery will alter your life is not always immediately visible prior to surgery and so it is very important to appreciate the severity of surgical procedures and to respect their ability to create change, whether that change is for better or for worse. For some patients, plastic surgery is not an option and it is required for their peace of mind. In such cases, the benefits may be clearer than the risks, yet both ought to be equally and thoroughly considered prior to any action being taken.
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