The Definitive Guide to Small Kitchen Renovation Costs

When it comes to improving your home, your kitchen possibly takes precedence as one of the most substantial spaces one can redesign. However, one crucial aspect that often stumps homeowners about this undertaking is the actual cost of carrying out the small kitchen renovation project. In this article, we will delve into the nitty-gritty of small kitchen renovation costs and how you can manage them effectively, all while working closely with a reliable designer for kitchens Australia.

The Budget

Typically, the cost of renovating a small kitchen ranges between $5,000 to $15,000 depending on several factors such as materials, labour cost, and your geographical location. For instance, engaging the services of a designer for kitchens Australia might cost more than hiring a local designer in other regions, given their global influence and renowned expertise.

Material Costs

Majority of your renovation budget will likely go towards purchasing materials. This includes cabinetry, flooring, lighting fixtures, paint, and kitchen appliances amongst others. The type of materials you opt for will significantly influence the total costs. For instance, solid wood cabinetry and high-end marble countertops will cost more compared to laminate cabinets and modest butcher block counters.

Labor Costs

After materials, labor is the next most substantial expense when considering small kitchen renovation costs. Whether it’s a skilled carpenter to handle your custom cabinets, an electrician handling your new lighting, or a respected designer for kitchens Australia to get the best out of your space – labor charges can quickly add up. Always ensure that you have an adequate budget set aside for skilled professionals.

Size of the Kitchen

The size of the kitchen is directly proportional to the renovation cost. A smaller kitchen means less materials, less labour and therefore, less money. So a small kitchen renovation would typically cost less than a full-scale large kitchen remodel.

Additional Costs

While planning for material and labor costs, don’t forget to allocate some budget for additional expenses. These could be for obtaining permits, cleanup after construction, or extra costs like dining out if your kitchen isn’t functional during the renovation period.

Choosing the Right Designer

Choosing the right kitchen designer can significantly affect the cost of your renovation project. A professional designer for kitchens Australia brings extensive knowledge, creates space-maximising designs, and helps stick to your budget, making it worth the investment.


While the cost of a small kitchen renovation varies greatly depending on individual specifications, housing one’s expectations and preferences within a budget is critical. By comprehending what aspects influence the cost and partnering with a reputed designer for kitchens Australia, you can execute successful small kitchen renovations that add value to your home and appeal to your sense of style.